Slovesa Způsobující Pohyb - Slovesa pro transakce a výměnu
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa vztahující se k transakci a výměně, jako je „půjčit“, „switch“ a „loan“.
to use or take something belonging to someone else, with the idea of returning it

půjčit si, brát na půjčku

to give someone something, like money, expecting them to give it back after a while

půjčit, zapůjčit

to give someone something, such as an amount of money, with the understanding that it will be returned

půjčit, poskytnout půjčku

to give something, particularly money, to make up for the difficulty, pain, damage, etc. that someone has suffered

kompensovat, odškodnit

to repay someone for financial loss, damage, etc. that they have experienced

odškodnit, kompenzovat

to repay someone, typically for losses or expenses they have suffered

kompenzovat, vrátit

to give something as a reward or compensation for services, favors, or achievements

odměnit, odplatit

to give something to someone and receive something else from them

vyměnit, obměnit

to put someone or something new instead of someone or something else

nahradit, vyměnit

to substitute one thing for another, particularly something better or newer, but of the same kind

měnit, vzletěn

to replace something, especially by force or through competition

nahradit, supplantovat