Seznam Slovíček Úrovně B2 - Pocity nebo Stavy bytí
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovíčka o pocitech nebo stavech bytí, jako je „agresivní“, „udivený“, „nešikovný“ atd. připravená pro studenty B2.
behaving in an angry way and having a tendency to be violent
agresivní, agresivní
feeling very surprised or impressed, especially because of an unexpected event
ohromený, uš bemě
making one feel embarrassed or uncomfortable
nešikovný, trapný
(of a person) refusing or unable to let go of anger or hatred toward others or past events
horký, zahořklý
incredibly impressive or beautiful, often leaving one feeling amazed
ohromující, dých beroucí
describing something that is cold and depressing
beznadějný, depresivní
very bad, often causing one to feel angry or annoyed
hrozný, strašný
boring or lacking interest, excitement, or liveliness
nudný, otupělý
(of people) easily affected by or tend to express strong feelings and emotions
emocionální, citlivý
intensely interested or captivated by something or someone
okouzlený, uchvácený
causing one to feel very tired and out of energy
vyčerpávající, únavný
feeling tired, annoyed, or frustrated with a situation or person
unavený, zaneprázdněný
feeling sad because of being away from one's home
stesk po domově, domovský smutek
feeling angry or annoyed, often due to something unpleasant
drážděný, naštvaný
feeling happy because we have what we wanted, or because something has happened the way we wanted
spokojený, spokojená
causing a person to become filled with fear
děsivý, hrůzostrašný
feeling embarrassed, anxious, or uneasy because of a situation or circumstance
nepříjemný, trapný
to feel disappointed or sorry about something that has or has not been done, said, etc.
litovat, žít v lítosti
a feeling of distress, shyness, or guilt as a result of an uncomfortable situation
rozpač, trapnost
a feeling of extreme fear and anxiety that makes one unable to think clearly
a feeling of sadness caused by the suffering of others
soucit, lítost
a feeling of comfort that comes when something annoying or upsetting is gone
a sudden and intense feeling of surprise, distress, or disbelief caused by something unexpected and often unpleasant
šok, překvapení
a feeling of anxiety and worry caused by different life problems
stres, napětí
a sudden feeling of pleasure and excitement
vzrušení, pocit vzrušení
a state of frustration or anxiety caused by opposing desires or feelings at the same time
konflikt, protiradost
a feeling of admiration or surprise caused by something that is very unusual and exciting
námaha, zázrak
feeling slightly embarrassed or ashamed, often due to having done something silly or foolish
stydlivý, rozpačitý
a state characterized by constant feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of enegry or interest in activities