
Gesellschaft, Recht und Politik - Ungerechtigkeit

Entdecken Sie englische Redewendungen, die sich auf Ungerechtigkeit beziehen, darunter „jump the line“ und „below the Belt“.







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English idioms related to Society, Law & Politics
to get away with murder

to be able to do something wrong or illegal without receiving punishment or facing any consequences

Strafe entgehen

Strafe entgehen

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to jump the line

to unfairly try to do something when it is someone else's turn to do so

jemanden an die Reihe nehmen

jemanden an die Reihe nehmen

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conflict of interest

a situation where someone's personal stake or potential gain from a decision may hinder their ability to make an unbiased or fair choice



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raw deal

a treatment that is not fair or equal

ungerechte Behandlung

ungerechte Behandlung

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to tar sb/sth with the same brush

to unfairly assume that a person or thing is as same as someone or something that they are associated with

jeden beschuldigen oder bestrafen

jeden beschuldigen oder bestrafen

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cheap shot

a comment or statement that is cruel or unfair

unfairer oder grausamer Kommentar

unfairer oder grausamer Kommentar

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to cry foul

to express a strong objection to something that is perceived as unfair or unjust

kangaroo court

an unofficial court that does not follow the rules and usually punishes people without giving them a fair trial

inoffizielles oder illegales Gericht

inoffizielles oder illegales Gericht

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to get a free pass

to receive special treatment or permission to avoid obligations, restrictions, or consequences

Strafe oder Konsequenzen von etwas vermeiden

Strafe oder Konsequenzen von etwas vermeiden

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below the belt

in a way that unfairly takes advantage of a person's weaknesses

unfaire Handlung oder Behandlung

unfaire Handlung oder Behandlung

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judge, jury, and executioner

a person or group who has unchecked power to make decisions, impose punishments, and carry out those punishments without due process or oversight

Entscheidungen treffen und Strafen verhängen

Entscheidungen treffen und Strafen verhängen

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the short end of the stick

an unfavorable or disadvantageous position or outcome that one receives in a particular situation

nachteilige Stellung

nachteilige Stellung

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