Entscheidung, Vorschlag und Verpflichtung - Verbindliche Richtlinien
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit verbindlichen Richtlinien wie „regulate“, „statutory“ und „restrict“.
obstinate refusal to submit to established authority or to comply with a regulation
Ungehorsam, Widerstand
someone who is reluctant to submit to an authority
Widerspenstiger, Rebell
to control or adjust something in a way that agrees with rules and regulations
regulieren, einstellen
a rule made by the government, an authority, etc. to control or govern something within a particular area
Verordnung, Regelung
in accordance with the established rules, customs, etc.
something that is really needed or wanted
Anforderung, Voraussetzung
to bring someone or something under control through laws and rules
eingrenzen, beschränken
limited or controlled by regulations or specific conditions
eingeschränkt, beschränkt
a rule or law that limits what one can do or the thing that can happen
Einschränkung, Beschränkung
(of a rule, process, etc.) strictly followed or applied
streng, rigoros
an instruction that says what is or is not allowed in a given situation or while playing a game
Regel, Anweisung
a set of rules and regulations that must be followed in a particular organization, occupation, etc.
Regelbuch, Vorschriften
to command someone to do something immediately, often as punishment
aufdrücken, verhängen
(in the UK) a type of order that has legal status and is issued by a government minister or someone with a legal authority
Rechtsverordnung, gesetzliches Instrument
to specify that something needs to be done or how it should be done, especially as part of an agreement
festlegen, vorgesehen
an official statement, condition, or agreement to do or forbear something
Stipulation, Bedingung
(of rules and regulations) absolute and must be obeyed under any circumstances
streng, rigorös
the quality or characteristic of being uncompromising in enforcing rules, regulations, or standards
Striktheit, Einschränkung
in a way that demands or requires complete obedience
strikt, eindeutig
(of a law, regulation, rule, etc.) extremely limiting and strict
streng, rigoros
the state or act of accepting defeat and not having a choice but to obey the person in the position of power
Unterwerfung, Ergebung
to be required to do something, especially because of a rule, agreement, tradition, etc.
annehmen, sollen
the exact literal interpretation of a law or agreement as opposed to its general meaning
(in the UK) a written instruction given to MPs by the leader of their party that states they should vote in a particular way on a specific issue in parliament
Stimmempfehlung, Wahlaufforderung
uncompromising in one's expectations, rules, or approach to dealing with others
hart, streng
to make something such as a rule or policy stronger
verschärfen, stärken
used to emphasize the occurrence of something within a specified time and exactly as instructed