Wichtiger Wortschatz für den TOEFL - Vorschläge und Regeln
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter zu Vorschlägen und Regeln, wie z. B. „consult“, „urge“, „due“ usw., die für die TOEFL-Prüfung benötigt werden.
a process of providing guidance, support, and advice to someone facing personal, emotional, or psychological challenges
Beratung, Psychotherapie
someone who gives professional advice on a given subject
Berater, Consultant
to seek information or advice from someone, especially before making a decision or doing something
a recommended plan that is proposed for a business
Vorschlag, Angebot
a suggestion or plan of action, particularly one in business dealings
to invite someone to compete or strongly suggest they should do something, often to test their abilities or encourage action
herausfordern, auffordern
to adjust one's actions or behavior based on specific information, ideas, or advice
handeln nach, auf... reagieren
as a second choice or another possibility
als andere Möglichkeit, ersatzweise
information, criticism, or advice about a person's performance, a new product, etc. intended for improvement
help and advice about how to solve a problem, given by someone who is knowledgeable and experienced
to act as the supervisor or teacher of someone less experienced
mentoren, als Mentor fungieren
to give advice to people about what they should or should not do in a way that might annoy or bore them
predigen, Ratschläge geben
(of a payment, debt, etc.) scheduled or required to be paid immediately or at a specific time
fällig, schuldbetrag
an action that one must perform because they are legally or morally forced to do so
Verpflichtung, Obligation
to have a moral duty or be forced to do a particular thing, often due to legal reasons
a principle or instruction based on which a person should behave or act in a particular situation
Richtlinie, Leitlinie
a rule made by the government, an authority, etc. to control or govern something within a particular area
Verordnung, Regelung
a necessary condition that has to be fulfilled
Anforderung, Voraussetzung
a rule or law that limits what one can do or the thing that can happen
Einschränkung, Beschränkung
a regulation or rule that forbids the use or practice of something
Verbot, Untersagung
to formally forbid something from being done, particularly by law
verbieten, untersagen
the quality or characteristic of being uncompromising in enforcing rules, regulations, or standards
Striktheit, Einschränkung
the state of being dedicated to someone or something
Engagement, Hingabe
to disobey or break a regulation, an agreement, etc.
verletzen, übertreten