El libro Solutions - Elemental - Cultura 4
Aquí encontrará el vocabulario de Cultura 4 en el libro de texto de Solutions Elementary, como "fresco", "carne asada", "no saludable", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
a dish of fried fish served with chips

pescado frito con papas fritas, pescado frito con patatas fritas, fish and chips
a dish made by cooking a cut of cow meat in an oven, usually served as a main course for a meal

carne de res asada, roast beef

a type of pastry that is baked and often served with roast beef and gravy as part of a British meal

pudín de Yorkshire, pudín yorkshiriano

a mixture of meat, bread, etc. cut into small pieces and put into a long tube of skin, typically sold raw to be cooked before eating

potatoes that are boiled and then crushed to become soft and smooth

puré de papas, puré de patatas