Książka Solutions - Podstawowy - Kultura 4
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z Culture 4 z podręcznika Solutions Elementary, takie jak „świeży”, „rostbef”, „niezdrowy” itp.
roast beef
a dish made by cooking a cut of cow meat in an oven, usually served as a main course for a meal

rostbef, pieczona wołowina

Yorkshire pudding
a type of pastry that is baked and often served with roast beef and gravy as part of a British meal

pudding yorkshire, pudding z Yorkshire

a mixture of meat, bread, etc. cut into small pieces and put into a long tube of skin, typically sold raw to be cooked before eating


mashed potato
potatoes that are boiled and then crushed to become soft and smooth

puree ziemniaczane, zmiażdżone ziemniaki


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