
ACT انگلیسی و دانش جهانی - افعال عباراتی مشخص

در اینجا شما برخی از افعال عباراتی انگلیسی را یاد می گیرید، مانند "قرار در"، "do without"، "parcel out"، و غیره که به شما کمک می کند ACT های خود را افزایش دهید.






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شروع یادگیری
ACT Vocabulary for English and World Knowledge
to boot up

(of a computer or electronic device) to start and load the operating system into memory for use

بوت کردن

بوت کردن

to die out

to completely disappear or cease to exist

منقرض شدن

منقرض شدن

to break through

to create or forcefully find a way through an obstacle or barrier



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to reel in

to pull or draw something in by winding it around a reel or similar device

ماهی را با پیچیدن نخ ماهیگیری کشیدن

ماهی را با پیچیدن نخ ماهیگیری کشیدن

to set up

to prepare things in anticipation of a specific purpose or event

بر پا کردن

بر پا کردن

Google Translate
to set out

to begin doing something in order to reach a goal

اولین قدم برای رسیدن به هدف را برداشتن

اولین قدم برای رسیدن به هدف را برداشتن

to bob up

to appear or come into view, often unexpectedly

to call out

to formally request or direct someone to perform a duty or task

برای کار ضروری فراخواندن

برای کار ضروری فراخواندن

to prop up

to keep something in position using a structure or an object

to bring on

to cause something to happen, especially something undesirable or unpleasant

موجب شدن

موجب شدن

to break out

to free oneself from a place that one is being held against their will, such as a prison

فرار کردن (از زندان)

فرار کردن (از زندان)

to branch out

to expand by exploring new areas, options, or opportunities

فرصت‌های جدید را کشف کردن

فرصت‌های جدید را کشف کردن

to pass on

to transfer knowledge, traditions, or skills to another person or group, often to ensure they are preserved or continued

انتقال دادن  (دانش، سنت و...)

انتقال دادن (دانش، سنت و...)

to sell out

(of an event) to completely sell all available tickets, seats, leaving none remaining for further purchase

کامل فروختن

کامل فروختن

to run out

(of a supply) to be completely used up

کامل مصرف شدن

کامل مصرف شدن

to strip off

to remove clothing or covering quickly or completely

تمام لباس‌ها را در آوردن

تمام لباس‌ها را در آوردن

to drop by

to visit a place or someone briefly, often without a prior arrangement

ناگهان به ملاقات کسی رفتن

ناگهان به ملاقات کسی رفتن

to churn out

to produce something quickly and in large quantities, often with a focus on quantity over quality

به‌صورت انبوه تولید کردن

به‌صورت انبوه تولید کردن

to go without sb/sth

to manage or function without someone or something that is typically needed or desired

بدون چیزی یا کسی سر کردن

بدون چیزی یا کسی سر کردن

to crank up

to start something by turning a handle or lever

to break off

to suddenly stop an activity or an action

ناگهان خاتمه دادن

ناگهان خاتمه دادن

to draw back

to retreat or move away from something or someone, typically in response to fear or surprise

عقب رفتن

عقب رفتن

to kill off

to cause the death of a significant number of individuals or organisms

موجب قتل عام شدن

موجب قتل عام شدن

to rinse out

to clean or remove something by flushing it with water or another liquid



to whip up

to make food very quickly

سریع درست کردن (غذا)

سریع درست کردن (غذا)

to crowd out

to dominate or push aside something or someone by taking up all the available space, time, or attention

to taper off

to gradually decrease in number, amount, or intensity over time

کم کم باریک شدن

کم کم باریک شدن

Google Translate
to plump up

to make something fuller or fluffier by shaking or adjusting it

تکان دادن

تکان دادن

to parcel out

to distribute or divide something into smaller parts or portions for sharing

to branch off

(of a path or road) to split into another direction, creating a separate route

منشعب شدن

منشعب شدن

to look on

to watch an event or incident without getting involved

(از دور) نظاره‌گر بودن

(از دور) نظاره‌گر بودن

to ward off

to prevent or repel something

از چیزی جلوگیری کردن

از چیزی جلوگیری کردن

to drift away

to gradually move away or become distant, often in terms of physical distance or emotional detachment

to pass down

to transfer something to the next generation or another person

به نسل بعدی دادن

به نسل بعدی دادن

to haul off

to take something away using a vehicle or transport method, often to remove or relocate it

to act on

to adjust one's actions or behavior based on specific information, ideas, or advice

عمل کردن (به نصیحت و...)

عمل کردن (به نصیحت و...)

to do away with

to stop using or having something

حذف کردن

حذف کردن

to embark on

to start a significant or challenging course of action or journey

شروع کردن

شروع کردن

to break apart

to fall into pieces or separate

to pass out

to distribute something to a group of people

توزیع کردن

توزیع کردن

to filter out

to remove or separate unwanted items or elements from a group

to blurt out

to say something suddenly

ناگهانی چیزی گفتن

ناگهانی چیزی گفتن

to line up

to stand in a line or row extending in a single direction

صف کشیدن

صف کشیدن

to hang out

to spend much time in a specific place or with someone particular

با دیگران بیرون رفتن

با دیگران بیرون رفتن

to shut off

to stop or close off the flow or passage of something

to strip away

to remove something completely

کامل حذف کردن

کامل حذف کردن

to shore up

to prevent a building or a part of it from falling, by putting large pieces of wood or metal under or against it

ایمنن سازی از طریق دیرک زدن (برای جلوگیری از ریزش)

ایمنن سازی از طریق دیرک زدن (برای جلوگیری از ریزش)

to set off

to activate a bomb, an explosive, etc.

منفجر شدن

منفجر شدن

to fall apart

to fall or break into pieces as a result of being in an extremely bad condition

متلاشی شدن

متلاشی شدن

to latch on

to become firmly attached to something or someone

محکم گرفتن

محکم گرفتن

دانلود اپلیکشن LanGeek