واژگان آیلتس (عمومی) - صحبت درمورد اتفاقات و حوادث
در اینجا با چند لغت انگلیسی در مورد صحبت در مورد رویدادها و اتفاقات مانند "accident"، "showcase"، "casion" و ... که برای آیلتس مورد نیاز است آشنا خواهید شد.
املای کلمه
an event or happening, especially a violent, unusual or important one

حادثه, واقعه، پیشامد
a fact, event, or situation that is observed, especially one that is unusual or not fully understood


an unexpected and unpleasant event that happens by chance, usually causing damage or injury

حادثه, اتفاق
a sudden and unfortunate event that causes a great amount of death and destruction

مصیبت, بلا، فاجعه
a situation in which two things happen simultaneously by chance that is considered unusual

همزمانی, تصادف، تقارن
the act or instance of finishing something or something being finished

اتمام, پایاندادن، خاتمه
the act or process of making an institution, company, etc. shut down permanently

تعطیلکردن, بستن
a point at which a drastic change occurs in a situation, especially one that makes it improve

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