
अस्तित्व और क्रिया के क्रियाएँ - आवास के लिए क्रिया

यहां आप आवास से संबंधित कुछ अंग्रेजी क्रियाएं सीखेंगे जैसे "निवास", "बंदरगाह", और "शिविर"।


समीक्षा करें







शुरू करें
Categorized English Verbs of Existence and Action
to accommodate

to provide a space for someone to live or stay in

झगड़ा तय करना

झगड़ा तय करना

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to house

to provide housing or shelter for someone or something

घर में रहना

घर में रहना

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to billet

to lodge or assign lodging, typically used in the context of providing accommodations for military personnel.

फौजों को घर देना

फौजों को घर देना

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to quarter

to provide housing or accommodations for someone, especially for military troops

पृथक करना

पृथक करना

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to harbor

to provide a hiding place or shelter, especially for someone or something that is being sought or pursued

शरण देना

शरण देना

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to inhabit

to live or dwell in a place, especially as a permanent resident

निवास करना

निवास करना

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to reside

to live in a specific place



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to live

to have your home somewhere specific

कहीं रह रहे हैं

कहीं रह रहे हैं

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to dwell

to live in a particular place

ध्यान केन्द्रित करना

ध्यान केन्द्रित करना

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to room

to live in a shared or rented place

कमरे में रहना

कमरे में रहना

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to camp

to live temporarily outdoors, often in a tent or camper

पड़ाव डालना

पड़ाव डालना

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to lodge

to offer a place to stay or provide accommodation for someone



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to board

to stay or reside in a place, usually by paying for accommodations



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to nest

to build a nest or live in it

घोंसला बनाना

घोंसला बनाना

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to occupy

to live in a place that is either rented or owned

ले लेना

ले लेना

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to populate

(of individuals or communities) to be present in a particular area



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to sojourn

to stay or reside temporarily in a place

डेरा डालना

डेरा डालना

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to abide

to live or stay in a particular place



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to move in

to begin to live in a new house or work in a new office

किसी का घर या कार्यस्थल बदलना

किसी का घर या कार्यस्थल बदलना

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to settle in

to become familiar and at ease in a new environment



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LanGeek ऐप डाउनलोड करें