
बनाने और बदलने के क्रियाएँ - परिवर्तन के लिए क्रियाएँ

यहां आप परिवर्तन का संदर्भ देने वाली कुछ अंग्रेजी क्रियाएं सीखेंगे जैसे "बनें", "रूपांतरित करें" और "बदलें"।


समीक्षा करें







शुरू करें
Categorized English Verbs of Making and Changing
to become

to start or grow to be

कुछ अलग में बदलना

कुछ अलग में बदलना

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to turn into

to change and become something else

में परिवर्तित हो रहा है

में परिवर्तित हो रहा है

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to mutate

to cause genetic changes

रूप बदलना

रूप बदलना

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to fluctuate

to move or oscillate continually

रूपांतरित होना

रूपांतरित होना

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to vary

to experience change, often in response to different situations or conditions

to change

to make a person or thing different

to transform

to change the appearance, character, or nature of a person or object

to alter

to cause something to change

कुछ बदलना

कुछ बदलना

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to morph

to cause an object or image to change its shape smoothly and seamlessly

किसी वस्तु या छवि को रूपांतरित करना

किसी वस्तु या छवि को रूपांतरित करना

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to transmute

to change something's nature, appearance, or substance into something different and usually better

परिणत करना

परिणत करना

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to modify

to make minor changes to something so that it is more suitable or better

रूपांतरित करना

रूपांतरित करना

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to adjust

to slightly alter or move something in order to improve it or make it work better

कुछ समायोजित करना

कुछ समायोजित करना

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to adapt

to change something in a way that suits a new purpose or situation better

कुछ बदलना

कुछ बदलना

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to tune

to adjust something to improve its functioning, accuracy, or performance



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to modulate

to change or adjust something in order to achieve a desired effect



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to transfigure

to change in form, appearance, or nature

रूप बदलना

रूप बदलना

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to set

to adjust something to be in a suitable or desired condition for a specific purpose or use



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to convert

to change the form, purpose, character, etc. of something



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to permute

to rearrange the order of things

किसी चीज़ का क्रम बदलना

किसी चीज़ का क्रम बदलना

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to switch

to change from one thing, such as a task, major, conversation topic, job, etc., to a completely different one

कुछ करने का तरीका बदलना

कुछ करने का तरीका बदलना

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to tailor

to customize or modify something to fit an individual or market's specific preferences



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to customize

to change or make something in a way that better serves a particular task, person, etc.

अनुकूलित करें

अनुकूलित करें

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to personalize

to customize something to suit an individual's needs, preferences, or characteristics

अमल में लाना

अमल में लाना

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to edit

to make a book, newspaper, or magazine ready for publication through revision, correction, etc.

संपादन करना

संपादन करना

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to revise

to make changes to something, especially in response to new information, feedback, or a need for improvement

to process

to treat or handle something in a specific way to get it ready for a particular purpose, improve its condition, or fix any issues

जुलूस में चलना

जुलूस में चलना

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to decode

to convert coded information into a understandable format



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to encode

to transform data into a coded form

सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलना

सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलना

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to recycle

to make a waste product usable again

अपनी बात दोहराना

अपनी बात दोहराना

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to diversify

to change something in order to add variety to it

चित्रित करना

चित्रित करना

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to normalize

to return or bring something into a standard or acceptable state

मानक के अनुसार करना

मानक के अनुसार करना

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to standardize

to make something follow a set standard or rule, ensuring it is consistent and uniform

मानकीकरण करना

मानकीकरण करना

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to change over

to shift from one system, state, item, etc. to another

प्रणाली परिवर्तित करना

प्रणाली परिवर्तित करना

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to branch out

to expand by exploring new areas, options, or opportunities

नये अवसर तलाशना

नये अवसर तलाशना

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LanGeek ऐप डाउनलोड करें