C1 Szintű Szólista - Astronomy
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót a csillagászatról, mint például "kozmikus", "üstökös", "törpe" stb. C1-es tanulók számára.
a branch of biology that deals with the study of life in space
having a connection to or originating in the Earth's atmosphere
atmoszférikus, a légkörről szóló
related to the universe and the vast space outside the earth
the complete and round-shaped moon as seen from the earth
the moon when only half of its bright surface can be seen from the earth
the moon when only a small portion of its bright side is visible from the earth
újhold, sötét hold
(of the sun or moon) to go out of sight below the horizon
lenyugodni, süllyedni
the explosion that, according to most scientists, caused the existence of the universe
nagy bumm, nagy bumm elmélet
the universe, particularly when it is thought of as a systematic whole
kozmosz, világegyetem
any natural object in the space, such as the sun, moon, etc.
égitest, kozmikus test
a pale band of light seen in the sky at night that contains the solar system and billions of other stars
Tejút, A Tejút galaxis
a specific group of stars that form a pattern and have a name related to their shape
(astronomy) the celestial zone in the sky where the sun, moon, and planets appear to move, traditionally divided into twelve equal segments, each associated with a distinct name and symbol
zodiákus, zodiákus öv
an object in space that is a mass of ice and dust and when it nears the sun it starts illuminating in the shape of a tail
a star that is relatively small in size or mass and is not very bright
törpe, törpecsillag
a piece of rock coming from outer space that passes through the Earth's atmosphere, producing light
meteor, meteorit
a piece of rock or metal from space that has hit the surface of the earth
meteorit, meteor
a glowing cloud of gas and dust in outer space, often the result of a star explosion or formation
an exploding star that as a result is emitting a very large amount of light, more than the sun
szupernova, robbanó csillag
a US government agency responsible for space travel and the study of space
NASA, a Nemzeti Aeronautikai és Űrhajózási Hivatal.
an astronaut from Russia or the former Soviet Union
kozmonauta, kozmonauta
(of a spacecraft or aircraft) to leave the ground, particularly vertically
felszállni, emelkedni
an imaginary line in the middle of an object around which the object revolves
tengely, imaginary vonal
the action of circular movement around a fixed point
forgás, körforgás
a vehicle designed and used to go to space and return multiple times
űrsikló, shuttle
a mysterious object that some people claim to have seen flying around in the sky and assume that it is a spaceship from another world
azonosítatlan repülő objektum, UFÓ (azonosítatlan repülő objektum)
having or seeming to have no or little weight, caused by the absence of gravity
súlytalanság, súlymentes