Érzelmek - Harag
Merüljön el a haraggal kapcsolatos angol idiómákban, mint például a „keep your hair on” és „get a rise out of”.
an outburst of anger or frustration, often characterized by uncontrollable emotional and irrational behavior
nagyon feldühödött
used to refer to someone who is extremely furious and is ready to start a fight or argument
nagyon dühös vagy izgatott
said of a woman who is behaving very angrily and cannot be reasoned with, due to being in her menstruation period
nő, aki dühös a menstruáció miatt
used to emphasize or demonstrate that one is extremely unhappy, angry, or irritated
nagyon dühös és ideges
in a highly agitated or furious state, characterized by the inability to think rationally or make logical decisions
nagyon dühösen
irritated or enraged to the point of frustration
rendkívül dühös
to be extremely angry or upset about something
nagyon dühös és ideges
to make someone extremely annoyed or enraged
valakit nagyon feldühít
to cause someone to become extremely angry
valakit rendkívül feldühít
an imaginary pill that is recommended to an angry or anxious person to take as a way of asking them to relax or calm down
to make someone extremely angry
valakit rendkívül feldühít
used to tell or remind someone not to get too upset or excited about something
uralkodni magán, ha dühös
to mention or do something that causes someone to become upset or angry
olyasmit csinál, amitől valaki nagyon feldühít
to intentionally make someone extremely angry
valakit rendkívül feldühít