
Sentimenti - Rabbia

Immergiti negli idiomi inglesi riguardanti la rabbia, come "tieniti i capelli addosso" e "prendi una risalita da".







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English idioms related to Feelings
hissy fit

an outburst of anger or frustration, often characterized by uncontrollable emotional and irrational behavior

crisi isterica

crisi isterica

one's blood is up

used to refer to someone who is extremely furious and is ready to start a fight or argument

il sangue vi ribolle nelle vene

il sangue vi ribolle nelle vene

on the rag

said of a woman who is behaving very angrily and cannot be reasoned with, due to being in her menstruation period

avere le tue cose

avere le tue cose

in high dudgeon

used to emphasize or demonstrate that one is extremely unhappy, angry, or irritated



in a huff

in a highly agitated or furious state, characterized by the inability to think rationally or make logical decisions



hopping mad

feeling extremely angry



bent out of shape

irritated or enraged to the point of frustration

va fuori di testa

va fuori di testa

to be up in arms about sth

to be extremely angry or upset about something

essere estremamente arrabbiato

essere estremamente arrabbiato

to set one's teeth on edge

to make someone extremely annoyed or enraged

fare qualcuno stanco

fare qualcuno stanco

to make one's blood boil

to cause someone to become extremely angry

fare arrabbiare qualcuno molto

fare arrabbiare qualcuno molto

to go ape

to become extremely angry

diventando estremamente arrabbiato

diventando estremamente arrabbiato

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chill pill

an imaginary pill that is recommended to an angry or anxious person to take as a way of asking them to relax or calm down



to drive sb up the wall

to make someone extremely angry

ti fare andar fuori di testa

ti fare andar fuori di testa

keep your hair on

used to tell or remind someone not to get too upset or excited about something

stare calmi

stare calmi

to hit a raw nerve

to mention or do something that causes someone to become upset or angry

ferire o turbare una persona

ferire o turbare una persona

to get a rise out of sb

to intentionally make someone extremely angry

rendere qualcuno estremamente arrabbiato

rendere qualcuno estremamente arrabbiato

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