Συναισθήματα - Θυμός
Βουτήξτε σε αγγλικούς ιδιωματισμούς σχετικά με τον θυμό, όπως "κρατήστε τα μαλλιά σας" και "πάρτε μια αύξηση από".
an outburst of anger or frustration, often characterized by uncontrollable emotional and irrational behavior
πολύ έξαλλος
used to refer to someone who is extremely furious and is ready to start a fight or argument
πολύ θυμωμένος ή ταραγμένος
said of a woman who is behaving very angrily and cannot be reasoned with, due to being in her menstruation period
γυναίκα που είναι θυμωμένη λόγω της περιόδου
used to emphasize or demonstrate that one is extremely unhappy, angry, or irritated
πολύ θυμωμένος και αναστατωμένος
in a highly agitated or furious state, characterized by the inability to think rationally or make logical decisions
πολύ θυμωμένος
irritated or enraged to the point of frustration
εξαιρετικά θυμωμένος
to be extremely angry or upset about something
πολύ θυμωμένος και αναστατωμένος
to make someone extremely annoyed or enraged
θυμώνει πολύ κάποιον
to cause someone to become extremely angry
κάνει κάποιον εξαιρετικά θυμωμένο
an imaginary pill that is recommended to an angry or anxious person to take as a way of asking them to relax or calm down
to make someone extremely angry
κάνει κάποιον εξαιρετικά θυμωμένο
used to tell or remind someone not to get too upset or excited about something
να ελέγχει τον εαυτό του όταν είναι θυμωμένος
to mention or do something that causes someone to become upset or angry
κάνει κάτι που θυμώνει πολύ κάποιον