Befolyás és Részvétel - bevonása
Fedezze fel az érintettségre vonatkozó angol idiómákat olyan példákkal, mint a „bekapaszkodj” és „játssz egreset”.
to involuntarily become deeply involved or invested in something
akaratlanul belekeveredni valamibe
used to say that someone has been involved in something from its early stages
kezdettől fogva belekeveredni valamibe
to unintentionally become a part of an argument other people are having
akaratlanul is vitába vagy konfliktusba keveredik
being involved with other people, groups, organizations, etc.
szoros együttműködésben
to be involved with something that is too challenging or demanding for one to handle
mélyen érintett valamiben
used when a specific task or a particular situation is being dealt with
mélyen érintett valamiben
tendency to take part in an activity started by someone else to receive a share of its profits
részt venni valami jövedelmezően
to be prepared or anticipating a specific event, situation, or consequence, whether positive or negative.
készen állva bármire
used to say that something must be addressed and handled
amikor valamit intéznek
to offer one's unwanted opinion or advice
véleménynyilvánítás, amikor nincs rá szükség
to become involved in a situation that in no way concerns one
beavatkozni mások munkájába
used to tell someone that it depends on them to make a certain decision or to take a specified action
minden a döntésedtől függ
to be involved or have influence in a particular matter or situation
aktívan részt venni egy helyzetben
to have a tendency to share or become involved in everything
hajlamos mindenbe bekapcsolódni
to become involved in an activity or event that is unpleasant or morally questionable, often requiring one to engage in dishonest or unethical behavior
rossz tevékenységbe keveredni
someone who is caught between two individuals or groups who are having a fight or argument
két vitatkozó ember között lenni
to be in the company of two people who prefer to be alone, particularly a romantic couple
valaki, akinek a jelenléte két szerelmes számára zavaró