
Vélemény és Érvelés - Kifejező beszéd

Itt megtanulhat néhány olyan angol szót, amelyek az expresszív diskurzushoz kapcsolódnak, mint például a „fórum”, „visszajelzés” és „becsület”.









Indítsa el a tanulást
Words Related to Opinion and Argument

the ability to deliver a clear and strong message



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able to utilize language to convey something well, especially in a persuasive manner

kibővült, kifejező

kibővült, kifejező

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in a way that utilizes language to send a strong and clear message, especially when one is speaking in public

kifejezően, hatékonyan

kifejezően, hatékonyan

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the level of respect and admiration that one has for someone or something

tisztelet, megbecsülés

tisztelet, megbecsülés

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to esteem

to greatly admire or respect someone or something

tisztelni, megbecsülni

tisztelni, megbecsülni

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to express

to show or make a thought, feeling, etc. known by looks, words, or actions

kifejezni, megmutatni

kifejezni, megmutatni

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the act of showing one’s ideas or feelings through words or actions

kifejezés, megnyilvánulás

kifejezés, megnyilvánulás

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fair hearing

the act of giving both sides of an argument a fair chance to express their opinions about something

méltányos meghallgatás, igazságos kihallgatás

méltányos meghallgatás, igazságos kihallgatás

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the degree to which someone or something is accepted or considered appealing

kedvező, előny

kedvező, előny

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describing something that is liked or approved

kedvező, előnyös

kedvező, előnyös

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in a positive, approving, or useful manner

kedvezően, jól

kedvezően, jól

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to feed back

to give information or constructive suggestions about something, particularly with regard to improvement

visszajelzést adni, építő kritikát adni

visszajelzést adni, építő kritikát adni

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to feel

to hold a particular opinion or attitude or have a feeling that something might be the case without a justifiable reason

érezni, gondolni

érezni, gondolni

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a belief or opinion that is inspired by one's emotions rather than facts

érzés, érzelem

érzés, érzelem

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to find

to have a particular opinion or feeling about something that makes one regard it in a specified way

megtalálni, tekinteni

megtalálni, tekinteni

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to find one's voice

to be able to speak and express oneself, particularly in a difficult situation or circumstance

to flatter

to believe something favorable about one's character or abilities even though it might not be true

hízelegni, dicsérni

hízelegni, dicsérni

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to flip-flop

to make an abrupt change of opinion or policy, especially in an exchange with the opposing one

véleményt változtatni, megfordulni

véleményt változtatni, megfordulni

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(of people or opinions) strong and demanding in manner or expression

erőszakos, kényszerítő

erőszakos, kényszerítő

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a person's ability to express their ideas and beliefs in a persuasive and assertive manner

határozottság, meggyőző erő

határozottság, meggyőző erő

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for my money

used to express one's opinions or beliefs


a public meeting place where people can discuss and exchange views on various topics or issues

fórum, nyilvános gyűlés

fórum, nyilvános gyűlés

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forming one’s own ideas rather than accepting what is generally accepted

szabadgondolkodó, független

szabadgondolkodó, független

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to gag

to limit freedom of speech or to prevent someone from writing or talking about a particular subject

elhallgattatni, megakadályozni

elhallgattatni, megakadályozni

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a limitation on freedom of speech or a restriction on dissemination of information

cenzúra, korlátozás

cenzúra, korlátozás

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to get above oneself

to consider oneself better or more significant than one really is

to get on one's soapbox

to express one's strong opinions or beliefs publicly and forcefully, often in a long and impassioned speech

to give voice to something

to allow one's feelings or opinions to be expressed

to go by

to form an opinion or judgement based on the information or experience one already has

alapján dönteni, támaszkodik

alapján dönteni, támaszkodik

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good name

the positive opinion that people have about a person or a thing based on their reputation

jó név, jó hír

jó név, jó hír

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to go on

to base an opinion or a judgment on something

alapozni valamire,  támaszkodni valamire

alapozni valamire, támaszkodni valamire

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to have a down on somebody or something

to dislike someone or something or have hostility towards them

to have a good opinion of somebody or something

to think favorably or positively about someone or something

having said that

used to introduce an opposing statement after making a point


an absurd idea or discussion

hülyeség, marhaság

hülyeség, marhaság

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a stupid argument, discussion, etc.

hülyeség, butaság

hülyeség, butaság

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to hold

to have a specific opinion or belief about someone or something

tartani, hinni

tartani, hinni

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to hold against somebody or something

to have a negative opinion about someone because of their actions in the past

neheztet valakire, vádat emel valaki ellen

neheztet valakire, vádat emel valaki ellen

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to hold one's peace

to resist the temptation to say something; to stay calm


a statement, idea, or act that is obviously untrue, foolish, or unreasonable

hülyeség, baromság

hülyeség, baromság

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how's that?

used to inquire about someone's opinion of something


a type of attitude, belief, or opinion one has

árnyalat, szín

árnyalat, szín

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to have second thoughts

to start doubting a decision and begin to wonder whether it is the right or best thing to do

to hunker down

to hold on to one’s opinions or position, especially when confronted by unfavorable circumstances or criticism

kitartani a vélemények mellett, megvédeni magát

kitartani a vélemények mellett, megvédeni magát

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