
Kesulitan - Tantangan Sulit

Jelajahi idiom bahasa Inggris mengenai tantangan sulit dengan contoh seperti "tugas raksasa" dan "seperti menggiring kucing".




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English idioms related to Difficulty
like pulling teeth

used to refer to something that is inexplicably difficult

sangat menantang dan kompleks

sangat menantang dan kompleks

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teething problems

problems that a person encounters in the early stages of a project or activity

masalah pada tahap awal sesuatu

masalah pada tahap awal sesuatu

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like Chinese arithmetic

said of something that is very complex or difficult for one understands or work with

sangat rumit

sangat rumit

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to be murder

(of a task) to be very difficult or almost impossible to do or complete

sesuatu yang hampir mustahil untuk dilakukan

sesuatu yang hampir mustahil untuk dilakukan

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uphill battle

a difficult fight or challenge that requires a lot of effort and determination

tugas yang sangat sulit atau menantang

tugas yang sangat sulit atau menantang

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[Kata benda]
herculean task

a task or challenge that requires an immense amount of effort, strength, or endurance to accomplish

tugas yang hampir mustahil

tugas yang hampir mustahil

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[Kata benda]
heavy going

a difficult and challenging situation or task that requires significant effort to overcome or complete

tugas yang sulit atau menantang

tugas yang sulit atau menantang

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a tough row to hoe

a situation that causes difficulties for one

tugas yang sangat menantang

tugas yang sangat menantang

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to bite off more than sb can chew

to attempt to do something that is beyond one's capability

melakukan sesuatu yang diluar kemampuannya

melakukan sesuatu yang diluar kemampuannya

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(as) red as a cherry

turning really red in the face because of doing a lot of physical activities

semerah ceri

semerah ceri

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like herding cats

used to describe a job or task that is too difficult or challenging

draft-mule work

the hardest or most boring part of a task or job

bagian tugas yang paling membosankan

bagian tugas yang paling membosankan

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[Kata benda]
the deep end

a situation that is very difficult because one is not prepared to deal with it

tantangan yang sangat besar

tantangan yang sangat besar

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to shoot one's bolt

to utilize one's final and decisive efforts, often in a critical moment

menggunakan seluruh kekuatannya

menggunakan seluruh kekuatannya

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