
어려움 - 어려운 도전

"Herculean task" 및 "like herding cats"와 같은 예를 통해 어려운 도전과 관련된 영어 숙어를 살펴보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Difficulty
like pulling teeth

used to refer to something that is inexplicably difficult

매우 까다롭고 복잡함

매우 까다롭고 복잡함

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teething problems

problems that a person encounters in the early stages of a project or activity

어떤 것의 초기 단계에 있는 문제

어떤 것의 초기 단계에 있는 문제

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like Chinese arithmetic

said of something that is very complex or difficult for one understands or work with

매우 복잡한

매우 복잡한

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to be murder

(of a task) to be very difficult or almost impossible to do or complete

거의 불가능한 일

거의 불가능한 일

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uphill battle

a difficult fight or challenge that requires a lot of effort and determination

매우 어렵거나 도전적인 일

매우 어렵거나 도전적인 일

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herculean task

a task or challenge that requires an immense amount of effort, strength, or endurance to accomplish

거의 불가능한 작업

거의 불가능한 작업

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heavy going

a difficult and challenging situation or task that requires significant effort to overcome or complete

어렵거나 도전적인 일

어렵거나 도전적인 일

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a tough row to hoe

a situation that causes difficulties for one

매우 어려운 작업

매우 어려운 작업

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to bite off more than sb can chew

to attempt to do something that is beyond one's capability

자신의 능력 밖의 일을 하는 것

자신의 능력 밖의 일을 하는 것

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(as) red as a cherry

turning really red in the face because of doing a lot of physical activities

체리처럼 붉은

체리처럼 붉은

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like herding cats

used to describe a job or task that is too difficult or challenging

draft-mule work

the hardest or most boring part of a task or job

작업 중 가장 지루한 부분

작업 중 가장 지루한 부분

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the deep end

a situation that is very difficult because one is not prepared to deal with it

아주 큰 도전

아주 큰 도전

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to shoot one's bolt

to utilize one's final and decisive efforts, often in a critical moment

온 힘을 다해

온 힘을 다해

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