Svårigheter - Svåra utmaningar
Utforska engelska idiom angående svåra utmaningar med exempel som "herculean task" och "som herding cats".
problems that a person encounters in the early stages of a project or activity
said of something that is very complex or difficult for one understands or work with
a difficult fight or challenge that requires a lot of effort and determination

svår kamp, utmaning i uppförsbacke

a task or challenge that requires an immense amount of effort, strength, or endurance to accomplish

herkulisk uppgift, titanisk uppgift

a difficult and challenging situation or task that requires significant effort to overcome or complete
to attempt to do something that is beyond one's capability
turning really red in the face because of doing a lot of physical activities
the hardest or most boring part of a task or job

tungt arbete, tråkigt arbete