Δυσκολίες - Δύσκολες Προκλήσεις
Εξερευνήστε αγγλικούς ιδιωματισμούς σχετικά με δύσκολες προκλήσεις με παραδείγματα όπως "herculean task" και "like herding cats".
teething problems
problems that a person encounters in the early stages of a project or activity
like Chinese arithmetic
said of something that is very complex or difficult for one understands or work with
uphill battle
a difficult fight or challenge that requires a lot of effort and determination
herculean task
a task or challenge that requires an immense amount of effort, strength, or endurance to accomplish
heavy going
a difficult and challenging situation or task that requires significant effort to overcome or complete
to bite off more than somebody can chew
to attempt to do something that is beyond one's capability
(as) red as a cherry
turning really red in the face because of doing a lot of physical activities

Λήψη εφαρμογής LanGeek