
سختی - چالش های دشوار

اصطلاحات انگلیسی را در مورد چالش های دشوار با مثال هایی مانند "وظیفه هرکول" و "مثل گربه های گله ای" کاوش کنید.







شروع یادگیری
English idioms related to Difficulty
like pulling teeth

used to refer to something that is inexplicably difficult

بسیار سخت و دشوار

بسیار سخت و دشوار

teething problems

problems that a person encounters in the early stages of a project or activity



like Chinese arithmetic

said of something that is very complex or difficult for one understands or work with

بسیار سخت و پیچیده

بسیار سخت و پیچیده

to be murder

(of a task) to be very difficult or almost impossible to do or complete

بسیار سخت بودن

بسیار سخت بودن

uphill battle

a difficult fight or challenge that requires a lot of effort and determination

هفت خان رستم

هفت خان رستم

herculean task

a task or challenge that requires an immense amount of effort, strength, or endurance to accomplish

هفت خوان رستم

هفت خوان رستم

heavy going

a difficult and challenging situation or task that requires significant effort to overcome or complete



a tough row to hoe

a situation that causes difficulties for one

کار دشوار

کار دشوار

to bite off more than sb can chew

to attempt to do something that is beyond one's capability

لقمه بزرگتر از دهان برداشتن

لقمه بزرگتر از دهان برداشتن

(as) red as a cherry

turning really red in the face because of doing a lot of physical activities

(از شدت فعالیت فیزیکی) سرخ‌وقرمز شدن

(از شدت فعالیت فیزیکی) سرخ‌وقرمز شدن

like herding cats

used to describe a job or task that is too difficult or challenging

مثل کوه کندن

مثل کوه کندن

draft-mule work

the hardest or most boring part of a task or job

بخش سخت یا خسته‌کننده کار

بخش سخت یا خسته‌کننده کار

the deep end

a situation that is very difficult because one is not prepared to deal with it

چالشی بزرگ

چالشی بزرگ

to shoot one's bolt

to utilize one's final and decisive efforts, often in a critical moment

از تمام توان خود استفاده کردن

از تمام توان خود استفاده کردن

دانلود اپلیکشن LanGeek