
Pericolo - Violenza

Impara gli idiomi inglesi riguardanti la violenza, come "venire alle mani" e "sandwich con le nocche".







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English idioms related to Danger
to beat one's brains in

to hit a person in the head so much that they die or get seriously injured

picchiare qualcuno duramente

picchiare qualcuno duramente

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to take sb for a ride

to deliberately kill a person

uccidere qualcuno

uccidere qualcuno

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to lay a finger on sb/sth

to try to hurt a person physically or damage something in any slight way

ferire fisicamente qualcuno

ferire fisicamente qualcuno

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knuckle sandwich

used to refer to a punch that is hit in a person's mouth

pugno in bocca

pugno in bocca

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to knock one's block off

to severely beat someone, often said as a threat

picchiare qualcuno duramente

picchiare qualcuno duramente

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to have a go

to attack a person or place in order to kill or destroy them

attaccare qualcuno con intenti omicidi

attaccare qualcuno con intenti omicidi

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to clean one's clock

to hit a person harshly during a fight or conflict

picchiare intensamente qualcuno

picchiare intensamente qualcuno

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to beat sb to a pulp

to keep hitting a person to the point of severe injury

picchiare o ferire gravemente qualcuno

picchiare o ferire gravemente qualcuno

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to beat the pants off sb

to easily win over an opponent or badly defeat them in a competition or contest

sconfiggere qualcuno in una competizione

sconfiggere qualcuno in una competizione

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to whale on sb/sth

to violently or forcefully hit a person or thing many times

attaccare fisicamente qualcuno

attaccare fisicamente qualcuno

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to trade punches

(of people) to use their fists in order to hit each other during a fight or competition

quando le persone si combattono tra loro usando i pugni

quando le persone si combattono tra loro usando i pugni

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to come to blows

(of two or more people) to get into a serious verbal argument or begin attacking each other physically because of a prior disagreement

to make mincemeat (out) of sb/sth

to strongly beat and overcome someone or something through physical force

picchiare qualcuno duramente

picchiare qualcuno duramente

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to beat the (living) daylights out of sb

to physically attack someone with a great deal of force, causing them harm or injury

picchiare o ferire gravemente qualcuno

picchiare o ferire gravemente qualcuno

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to lay a glove on sb/sth

to physically hit someone, particularly while wearing boxing gloves

picchiare qualcuno usando i guantoni da boxe

picchiare qualcuno usando i guantoni da boxe

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to be in the wars

to sustain injuries as the result of an accident or fight

ferirsi dopo una rissa

ferirsi dopo una rissa

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