to replenish
to fill a place or container with something, especially after it has been used or emptied

補充する, 再充填する

to open
to move something like a window or door into a position that people, things, etc. can pass through or use


to close
to move something like a window or door into a position that people or things cannot pass through

閉める, 閉じる

to unlock
to use a key, code, or other method to open a lock or seal, allowing access to something that was secured

ロック解除する, 開く

to obstruct
to prevent something or someone from moving forward or progressing smoothly

妨害する, 阻害する

to pack
to put clothes and other things needed for travel into a bag, suitcase, etc.

荷造りする, パッキングする

to box
to put something into a box, typically for storage, transportation, or organization

箱に入れる, 梱包する

