Verbe de Acțiune Manuală - Verbe pentru manipularea containerelor
Aici veți învăța câteva verbe în limba engleză care se referă la manipularea containerelor, cum ar fi „gol”, „înghesuiți” și „blocați”.
Fișe de studiu
to fill a place or container with something, especially after it has been used or emptied

reesapta, umple

to forcefully or tightly pack a space with a large amount of something

împacheta, înghesui

to fill something, such as a container or space, to the very top or edge

a umple, a deborda

to move something like a window or door into a position that people, things, etc. can pass through or use


to move something like a window or door into a position that people or things cannot pass through

închide, sigila

to use a key, code, or other method to open a lock or seal, allowing access to something that was secured

debloca, a deschide

to prevent something or someone from moving forward or progressing smoothly

obstrucționa, bloca

to put something, typically small or portable, into one's pocket

a băga în buzunar, a pune în buzunar

to put clothes and other things needed for travel into a bag, suitcase, etc.

a împacheta, a pregăti bagajul

to put something into a box, typically for storage, transportation, or organization

a pune într-o cutie, a ambala