
افعال عمل دستی - افعال برای جابجایی ظروف

در اینجا شما برخی از افعال انگلیسی مربوط به جابجایی ظروف مانند "خالی"، "cram" و "lock" را یاد خواهید گرفت.






املای کلمه



شروع یادگیری
Categorized English Verbs of Manual Action
to drain

to empty or remove liquid from a container or area

آب چیزی را خالی کردن

آب چیزی را خالی کردن

to empty

to remove the contents of a container or space

خالی کردن

خالی کردن

to void

to clear a space or container of either people or its contents

باطل شدن

باطل شدن

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to fill

to make something full

پر کردن

پر کردن

to replenish

to fill a place or container with something, especially after it has been used or emptied

دوباره پر کردن

دوباره پر کردن

to cram

to forcefully or tightly pack a space with a large amount of something



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to top up

to add more liquid to someone's glass or cup

پر کردن (لیوان یا فنجان)

پر کردن (لیوان یا فنجان)

to brim

to fill something, such as a container or space, to the very top or edge



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to open

to move something like a window or door into a position that people, things, etc. can pass through or use

باز کردن

باز کردن

to close

to move something like a window or door into a position that people or things cannot pass through



to lock

to secure something with a lock or seal

قفل کردن

قفل کردن

to unlock

to use a key, code, or other method to open a lock or seal, allowing access to something that was secured

قفل را باز کردن

قفل را باز کردن

to seal

to close or secure something tightly to prevent access



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to shut

to close something



to block

to stop the flow or movement of something through somewhere

مسدود کردن

مسدود کردن

to clog

to make it so that nothing can move through something

مسدود کردن

مسدود کردن

to plug

to tightly fill or block a hole with something

درپوش گذاشتن

درپوش گذاشتن

to obstruct

to prevent something or someone from moving forward or progressing smoothly

مسدود کردن

مسدود کردن

to stuff

to fill a space or container tightly and completely with a material

پر کردن

پر کردن

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to bag

to put something into a bag for carrying or storage

باد کردن

باد کردن

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to pocket

to put something, typically small or portable, into one's pocket

به جیب زدن

به جیب زدن

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to pack

to put clothes and other things needed for travel into a bag, suitcase, etc.

جمع کردن (وسایل)

جمع کردن (وسایل)

to box

to put something into a box, typically for storage, transportation, or organization

بوکس بازی کردن

بوکس بازی کردن

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to package

to pack something in order to sell or transport it

بسته‌بندی کردن

بسته‌بندی کردن

to pack up

to put things into containers or bags in order to transport or store them

وسیله جمع کردن

وسیله جمع کردن

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