Kézi Cselekvés Igéi - Igék a konténerek kezelésére
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol igét, amelyek a konténerek kezelésére utalnak, mint például az „üres”, „csomó” és „zár”.
to empty or remove liquid from a container or area
to fill a place or container with something, especially after it has been used or emptied
to forcefully or tightly pack a space with a large amount of something
to fill something, such as a container or space, to the very top or edge
to move something like a window or door into a position that people, things, etc. can pass through or use
to move something like a window or door into a position that people or things cannot pass through
to use a key, code, or other method to open a lock or seal, allowing access to something that was secured
to prevent something or someone from moving forward or progressing smoothly
to fill a space or container tightly and completely with a material
to put something into a bag for carrying or storage
táskába rakni,csomagolni
to put clothes and other things needed for travel into a bag, suitcase, etc.
to put something into a box, typically for storage, transportation, or organization
dobozba tenni,csomagolni
to put things into containers or bags in order to transport or store them