to show one's disagreement or disapproval of an online post or comment by clicking on a specific icon

ダウンボートする, 反対票を投じる

the action of showing one's disagreement or disapproval of an online post or comment by clicking on a specific icon

ダウンボート, 否定票

a brief conversation, often between two people who are in disagreement about something

交換, 会話

said before one disagrees with someone in order to not be rude or offensive

失礼ですが, すみませんが...

the action of strongly arguing, disapproving, or disagreeing with someone or something; a statement in which a person strongly argues, disapproves, or disagrees with something or someone

反論, 異議

arguments and disagreements between small groups of people within a political party or an organization

派閥, グループ

a situation in which people are no longer friendly with each other as a result of a disagreement or quarrel

争い, もめごと

used to make it clear that one is about to criticize or disagree with someone but is unwilling to do so
to use methods or tactics similar to those of one's opponent in a fight or argument
the act of engaging in physical combat or conflict, or any contest or struggle between individuals, groups, or forces

戦い, 闘争

to fight until a result is achieved or an agreement is reached

結果が出るまで戦う, 合意が得られるまで戦う

to fight for what one wants or win an argument without the help of someone else
a difference, particularly an unwanted one, causing separation between two people, situations, or opinions

ギャップ, 差

to engage in an activity, particularly an argument, in a forceful, energetic, or violent manner
(usually in politics) a situation in which no progress can be made because the people involved are unable to agree with one another

行き詰まり, 停滞

to not to be able to approve or accept someone or something