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"jugglefrog" 및 "Pressed for time"과 같은 영어 관용어가 영어에서 바쁘고 활동적인 것과 어떤 관련이 있는지 알아보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Work & Money
a hive of activity

a place where many people are very busy

매우 바쁜 곳

매우 바쁜 곳

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to be run off one's feet

to have a lot of things that need to be done

매우 바쁘다

매우 바쁘다

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to have a lot on one's plate

to have a certain amount of tasks or problems that need to be dealt with

완료해야 할 작업이 많은 경우

완료해야 할 작업이 많은 경우

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to work one's guts out

to work really hard to achieve an aim

뭔가를 아주 열심히 하고 있다

뭔가를 아주 열심히 하고 있다

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(as) busy as a bee

extremely busy with work, activities, etc.

뭔가 매우 바쁘다

뭔가 매우 바쁘다

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to work like a horse

to work exceptionally hard

정말 열심히 일해

정말 열심히 일해

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to burn the candle at both ends

to drain oneself by working very late into the night and getting up early in the morning

양초 양쪽 끝을 태워라

양초 양쪽 끝을 태워라

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(as) busy as a beaver

extremely active, busy, and hardworking

매우 활동적인 사람

매우 활동적인 사람

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to have one's hands full

to have a lot of work that needs to be dealt with

많은 활동에 몰두하고 있다

많은 활동에 몰두하고 있다

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in high gear

in a state that is extremely efficient or active

높은 생산성으로

높은 생산성으로

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to not have a minute to call one's own

to be so busy that one has no free time

자유 시간이 없다

자유 시간이 없다

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on the go

in a state of being actively engaged in various activities or constantly in motion, typically indicating a busy and active lifestyle

매우 바쁜 사람

매우 바쁜 사람

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to juggle frogs

to try to handle or manage several difficult tasks or responsibilities at the same time, highlighting a busy and demanding situation

동시에 많은 일을 하려고 노력하는 중

동시에 많은 일을 하려고 노력하는 중

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to spread oneself too thin

to take on more tasks or responsibilities than one can handle effectively, resulting in a lack of focus and decreased productivity

여러 가지 일을 동시에 하는 것

여러 가지 일을 동시에 하는 것

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pressed for time

having very little time left

시간의 압박으로

시간의 압박으로

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the heat is on

used to indicate that a situation is becoming highly intense or critical, often implying increased pressure, urgency, or scrutiny

상황이 심각하고 심각하다

상황이 심각하고 심각하다

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