
일과 돈 - 빈곤과 재정 문제

"feel the pinch" 및 "the breadline"을 포함하여 빈곤 및 재정 문제와 관련된 영어 관용어를 살펴보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Work & Money
to catch (a) cold

to face problems and difficulties, particularly financial ones

재정적인 문제가 있다

재정적인 문제가 있다

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to go to the wall

to suffer ruin, failure, or defeat, due to financial difficulties, and without the possibility of recovery or rescue

재정적인 문제로 실패

재정적인 문제로 실패

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to lose one's shirt

to lose a big sum of money, often due to a risky bet or investment

상당한 금전적 손실

상당한 금전적 손실

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in the red

in debt due to spending more than one's earnings

예산 위기에

예산 위기에

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on one's uppers

in an extremely bad financial condition

재정 상황이 좋지 않은 상황에서

재정 상황이 좋지 않은 상황에서

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to live (from) hand to mouth

to survive with only the bare minimum resources, often with no savings or financial security

기본적인 필요를 충족할 돈이 충분하지 않은 경우

기본적인 필요를 충족할 돈이 충분하지 않은 경우

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(as) poor as a church mouse

severely lacking money

아주 가난한 사람

아주 가난한 사람

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(as) poor as Job

extremely lacking money

돈이 없어

돈이 없어

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to not have a bean

to not have any money

돈이 없어

돈이 없어

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on the road

(of people) without any home or shelter, therefore constantly moving from one location to another



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the breadline

the income level below which a person is considered to be living in poverty or experiencing financial hardship



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out at (the) elbows

used to refer to someone who does not have enough money and is considered poor by the society's standards

아주 가난한 사람

아주 가난한 사람

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to feel the pinch

to face financial difficulties, particularly due to not having the same income as before

재정적 압박을 받고 있는

재정적 압박을 받고 있는

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number out of pocket

used to say that an amount of money was lost due to a transaction

재정적 손실

재정적 손실

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dry spell

a period that is lacking productivity, profit, success, etc.

경기침체 기간

경기침체 기간

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dirt poor

affected by poverty to an extreme degree

아주 가난한 사람

아주 가난한 사람

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to wipe the slate clean

to forgive and forget someone's debt, enabling them to start fresh without any financial obligations

누군가의 빚을 탕감하다

누군가의 빚을 탕감하다

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to go out of business

to cease to exist as a functional company or business due to financial challenges or difficulties

사업이 실패했을 때

사업이 실패했을 때

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on a shoestring

with a minimal amount of financial resources

최소한의 예산으로

최소한의 예산으로

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flat broke

lacking any money or financial resources

돈이 없다

돈이 없다

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a pot to piss in

very little or no money

가난하게 생활하다

가난하게 생활하다

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