B2 수준 단어 목록 - Law
여기에서는 B2 학습자를 위해 준비한 "case", "jury", "trial" 등 법률에 관한 영어 단어를 학습합니다.
to think that someone may have committed a crime, without having proof

의심하다, 혐의가 있다고 생각하다

a group of twelve citizens, who listen to the details of a case in the court of law in order to decide the guiltiness or innocence of a defendant

배심원, 배심원단

a legal process where a judge and jury examine evidence in court to decide if the accused is guilty

재판, 재판 과정

a formal or legal process in which it is decided if someone has done something wrong or illegal

법적 절차, 소송

to officially ask a higher court to review and reverse the decision made by a lower court

항소하다, 재심을 청구하다

an amount of money that must be paid in order for someone who is accused of a crime to be released until their trial

보석금, 보석

a short document stating the facts provided by one side of a case to be presented to a court or judge

브리핑, 서류

to officially submit or store a document or record in accordance with legal or regulatory requirements

제출하다, 보관하다

to officially take away someone's right to do something for violating a rule

실격시키다, 제외하다