
위험 - 갈등과 전쟁

"armed to the Teeth" 및 "red zone"과 같은 예를 통해 갈등과 전쟁에 관한 영어 숙어를 살펴보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Danger
to hit the dirt

to suddenly fall on the ground, often as a way of avoiding danger

갑자기 땅에 떨어지다

갑자기 땅에 떨어지다

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red zone

an area that is dangerous or not allowed for people to use for a particular purpose

위험한 지역

위험한 지역

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armed to the teeth

equipped with several weapons

많은 무기를 갖추고 있다

많은 무기를 갖추고 있다

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to bust a cap

to shoot bullets from a gun

총을 쏘다

총을 쏘다

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eat hot lead

said to an enemy before shooting them dead with a gun

뜨거운 납을 먹어라

뜨거운 납을 먹어라

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sitting duck

someone or something that lacks enough defense or protection and is easy to be targeted

무방비 피해자

무방비 피해자

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on the offensive

in the position or state of readiness for answering any attack or criticism

준비가 되어 있고 경계심이 강하다

준비가 되어 있고 경계심이 강하다

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late unpleasantness

used for referring to a recent war or conflict

최근 갈등

최근 갈등

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to put sb to the sword

to use a sword in order to murder or execute someone

칼로 사람을 죽이는 것

칼로 사람을 죽이는 것

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to die with one's boots on

to die while actively engaged in one's work, often in a heroic or dedicated manner

일하다가 죽는다

일하다가 죽는다

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to blow one's brains out

to shoot someone in their head and kill them

누군가의 머리에 총을 쏘다

누군가의 머리에 총을 쏘다

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to let loose sth

to discharge a large number of bullets or explosives

총알을 난사하다

총알을 난사하다

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to stand at bay

to fight one's enemies or attackers that pursue one

적과 싸우다

적과 싸우다

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to duke it out

to engage in a physical fight, typically using one's fists

주먹으로 싸우다

주먹으로 싸우다

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