Bahaya - Konflik & Perang
Jelajahi idiom bahasa Inggris mengenai konflik dan perang dengan contoh seperti "bersenjata lengkap" dan "zona merah".
Kartu flash
to suddenly fall on the ground, often as a way of avoiding danger
tiba-tiba jatuh ke tanah
an area that is dangerous or not allowed for people to use for a particular purpose
daerah berbahaya
said to an enemy before shooting them dead with a gun
makan timah panas
someone or something that lacks enough defense or protection and is easy to be targeted
korban yang tidak berdaya
in the position or state of readiness for answering any attack or criticism
siap dan waspada
used for referring to a recent war or conflict
konflik baru-baru ini
to use a sword in order to murder or execute someone
membunuh seseorang dengan pedang
to die while actively engaged in one's work, often in a heroic or dedicated manner
meninggal saat bekerja
to shoot someone in their head and kill them
menembak seseorang di kepala
to discharge a large number of bullets or explosives
menembakkan rentetan peluru