학문적 IELTS (밴드 5 이하) - Geology
여기에서는 Basic Academic IELTS 시험에 필요한 지질학 관련 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
a solid material forming part of the earth's surface, often made of one or more minerals
바위, 돌
a solid, naturally occurring substance with a specific chemical composition, typically found in the earth's crust, such as gold, copper, etc.
광물, 미네랄
the black or brownish substance consisted of organic remains, rock particles, and clay that forms the upper layer of earth where trees or other plants grow
토양, 흙
a complete change in the form and structure of a rock as a result of heat and pressure
the remains or impression of a plant or animal that lived a long time ago and has been preserved in rock or sediment
화석, 화석의 흔적
liquid or semi-liquid rock that exists under the earth's surface with an extremely hot temperature