Werkwoorden van Verbale Handeling - Werkwoorden voor vocaliseren
Hier leer je enkele Engelse werkwoorden die verwijzen naar vocaliseren, zoals 'fluisteren', 'uitspreken' en 'mompelen'.
to speak very softly or quietly, usually to avoid being overheard by others who are nearby

fluisteren, smiespelen

to speak in a low, soft voice, often in a way that is difficult to hear or understand

murmuren, fluisteren

to speak in a low or unclear voice, often so that the words are difficult to understand

mompen, murmelen

to repeat or perform something again, often to make it clearer, better, or to emphasize specific points

itereren, herhalen

to make audible sounds without necessarily forming clear or meaningful words

uiten, uitspreken

to pronounce or utter something in a clear and precise way

articuleren, uitdrukken

to say the sound of a letter or word correctly or in a specific way

uitspreken, artikelen

to say a word or words incorrectly, especially with regards to the proper pronunciation

verkeerd uitspreken, foutief uitspreken

to talk rapidly and incoherently, making it hard for others to understand what is being said

incoherent praten, raaskallen

to speak rapidly and unintelligibly, often producing meaningless sounds

praten zonder zin, kletsen

to make a sudden, uncontrolled vocal sound as a reaction to an emotion

laten ontsnappen, uitlaten

to shout or speak suddenly and strongly, often expressing a strong emotion

uitroepen, roepen

to release a long deep audible breath, to express one's sadness, tiredness, etc.

zuchten, diep ademhalen

to speak with involuntary repetitive sounds or interruptions in the flow of speech

stotteren, haperen