Woorden Gerelateerd aan het Lichaam - De circulatie systeem
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met de bloedsomloop, zoals "vein", "capillary" en "aorta".
any blood vessel, carrying the blood to different organs of body from the heart
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a small blood vessel that connects arteries to capillaries, regulating blood flow and blood pressure in the body
![arteriole, klein bloedvat](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
arteriole, klein bloedvat
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the red liquid that the heart pumps through the body, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues
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any tube structure inside the body through which blood can circulate, such as a vein, artery, etc.
![bloedvat, bloedleiding](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
bloedvat, bloedleiding
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(anatomy) any of the small and thin-walled branching blood vessels that connect the arterioles and venules
![capillair, haarvaten](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
capillair, haarvaten
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a small blood vessel that connects larger arteries to capillaries, facilitating the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products in the body
![capillaire arterie, capillair vat](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
capillaire arterie, capillair vat
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a small blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from capillaries to larger veins
![venule, kleine ader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
venule, kleine ader
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any of the three large veins in the neck that carry blood from the head and face
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(biology) the colorless liquid part of the blood in which the blood cells are suspended
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the main artery that carries highly oxygenated blood from the heart, which has circulated through the lungs, to the rest of the body
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one of the many cells of red color carrying oxygen in the body
![rode bloedcel, erytrocyt](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
rode bloedcel, erytrocyt
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a forearm vein often used for blood draws and IV catheter insertion
![medianale cubitale ader, middelste cubitalader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
medianale cubitale ader, middelste cubitalader
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a major blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the forearm and hand
![ulnair arterie, ulnaris arterie](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
ulnair arterie, ulnaris arterie
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a major blood vessel in the forearm that delivers oxygenated blood to the hand and fingers
![radiale arterie, polsarterie](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
radiale arterie, polsarterie
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the blood vessel that transports deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs for oxygenation
![longslagader, bloedvat naar de longen](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
longslagader, bloedvat naar de longen
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any of four blood vessels responsible for transporting oxygen-rich blood from the lungs back to the heart
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a major artery that supplies oxygenated blood to the abdominal organs
![celiacatrunk, celiac arterie](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
celiacatrunk, celiac arterie
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a blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from the liver to the inferior vena cava
![leverader, hepatiale ader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
leverader, hepatiale ader
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a blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from the kidneys to the heart
![nierenader, vene van de nier](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
nierenader, vene van de nier
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a blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the kidneys
![nierarterie, bloedvat nier](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
nierarterie, bloedvat nier
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a vein that drains blood from the gonads (ovaries in females or testes in males) and carries it back to the heart
![gonadale ader, ader van de gonaden](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
gonadale ader, ader van de gonaden
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an artery that supplies blood to the gonads (ovaries in females or testes in males) in order to support their normal function
![gonadale arterie, arterie van de gonaden](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
gonadale arterie, arterie van de gonaden
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a large blood vessel that arises from the abdominal aorta and branches into the left and right iliac arteries
![gemeenschappelijke iliacale arterie, groot bloedvat dat uit aorta komt](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
gemeenschappelijke iliacale arterie, groot bloedvat dat uit aorta komt
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a large blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower limbs, pelvis, and abdominal organs back to the heart
![gemeenschappelijke iliacale ader, terugkerende iliacale ader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
gemeenschappelijke iliacale ader, terugkerende iliacale ader
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a major blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the lower extremities of the body
![externe iliacale arterie, iliaca externa](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
externe iliacale arterie, iliaca externa
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a major blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower extremities back to the heart
![buitenste iliacavein, iliaca externe ader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
buitenste iliacavein, iliaca externe ader
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a major blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the pelvic region and its surrounding structures in the human body
![interne iliac arterie, hypogastrische arterie](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
interne iliac arterie, hypogastrische arterie
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a major blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from the pelvis and its surrounding structures back to the heart
![interne iliacavein, interne bekkenader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
interne iliacavein, interne bekkenader
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a major blood vessel in the human body that supplies oxygenated blood to the brainstem and posterior regions of the brain
![basilaire slagader, basilaire bloedvat](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
basilaire slagader, basilaire bloedvat
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a vital blood vessel that delivers oxygenated blood to the brain and is located in the neck
![interne halsslagader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
interne halsslagader
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a vital blood vessel in the neck that delivers oxygenated blood to structures outside the skull
![uitwendige halsslagader, uitwendige carotisarterie](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
uitwendige halsslagader, uitwendige carotisarterie
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a major superficial vein in the neck that drains blood from the scalp and face
![uitwendige halsader, oppervlakkige halsader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
uitwendige halsader, oppervlakkige halsader
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a major vein in the neck that carries deoxygenated blood from the brain, face, and neck back to the heart
![interne jugularis vene, vene jugularis aan de achterkant van de nek](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
interne jugularis vene, vene jugularis aan de achterkant van de nek
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a blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the brain and spinal cord through the vertebrae of the neck
![wervelarterie, bloedvat van de wervelkolom](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
wervelarterie, bloedvat van de wervelkolom
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a major blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the head and neck regions of the human body
![gemeenschappelijke halsslagader, halsslagader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
gemeenschappelijke halsslagader, halsslagader
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a major blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the upper body, including the arms, neck, and chest
![subclavia, onder sleutelbeen](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
subclavia, onder sleutelbeen
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a large blood vessel that collects deoxygenated blood from the upper body and carries it back to the heart
![ondertaken ader, subclavia ader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
ondertaken ader, subclavia ader
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an arm vein located near the surface of the skin, responsible for draining blood from the hand, forearm, and lateral aspects of the arm
![cephalische ader, oppervlakte ader van de arm](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
cephalische ader, oppervlakte ader van de arm
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a major blood vessel that supplies the upper arm and shoulder region
![axillaire arterie](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
axillaire arterie
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a major vein located in the armpit region that drains deoxygenated blood from the upper limb and returns it to the heart
![okselslagader, axillaire ader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
okselslagader, axillaire ader
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a large vein that transports deoxygenated blood from the upper body to the heart
![bovenste holle ader, holle ader boven](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
bovenste holle ader, holle ader boven
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a large vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower body to the heart
![onderste holle ader, holle ader inferior](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
onderste holle ader, holle ader inferior
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he portion of the main artery that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the lower body
![dalende aorta, deel van de dalende aorta](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
dalende aorta, deel van de dalende aorta
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a blood vessel in the upper arm that carries oxygenated blood to the muscles and tissues of the arm
![brachiale arterie](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
brachiale arterie
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a large vein located in the arm that carries deoxygenated blood from the hand to the axillary vein
![basiliekader, basilicaven](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
basiliekader, basilicaven
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a small, cell-like structure in the blood that helps in clotting and preventing excessive bleeding
![bloedplaatje, trombocyt](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
bloedplaatje, trombocyt
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a major superficial vein in the leg responsible for returning deoxygenated blood from the lower extremities to the heart
![grote sapheneusader, hoofd sapheneusader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
grote sapheneusader, hoofd sapheneusader
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a superficial vein located in the lower leg that plays a role in returning blood from the foot and lateral aspect of the leg back to the heart
![kleine safena, oppervlakkige safen](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
kleine safena, oppervlakkige safen
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a major blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the lower limb
![femorale arterie](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
femorale arterie
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a major blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the lower limb
![femorale ader, bovenbeenader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
femorale ader, bovenbeenader
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the major artery located behind the knee that supplies blood to the lower leg and foot
![popliteale slagader, slagader achter de knie](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
popliteale slagader, slagader achter de knie
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a major vein located behind the knee that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower leg back to the heart
![popliteale ader, ader achter de knie](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
popliteale ader, ader achter de knie
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an artery that supplies blood to the front of the leg and foot, and is a branch of the popliteal artery located behind the knee
![voorste scheenbeenslagader, arterie tibialis anterior](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
voorste scheenbeenslagader, arterie tibialis anterior
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an artery that supplies blood to the posterior (back) part of the leg and foot, and is one of the two main branches of the popliteal artery located behind the knee
![achterste tibiale arterie, arterie die bloed naar de achterkant van het been levert](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
achterste tibiale arterie, arterie die bloed naar de achterkant van het been levert
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a blood vessel in the lower leg that carries deoxygenated blood from the lateral side of the leg back to the heart
![peroneale ader, fibulaire ader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
peroneale ader, fibulaire ader
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an artery that supplies blood to the lateral (outer) part of the leg and foot, and is one of the two main branches of the popliteal artery located behind the knee
![peroneale ader, fibulaire ader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
peroneale ader, fibulaire ader
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a vein that accompanies the anterior tibial artery and helps to drain blood from the front of the leg and foot, and carries it back towards the heart
![voorste tibiale ader, ader van de voorste tibia](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
voorste tibiale ader, ader van de voorste tibia
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a small blood vessel in the kidneys that supplies oxygenated blood to the renal cortex
![arcuate ader, boogader](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
arcuate ader, boogader
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a vein that accompanies the posterior tibial artery and helps to drain blood from the back of the leg and foot, and carries it back towards the heart
![achterste tibiale ader, ader achter de tibia](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
achterste tibiale ader, ader achter de tibia
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a foot vein that collects blood from the toes and top of the foot, serving as a drainage point for venous blood returning from the foot
![dorsale veneuze boog, dorsale venous arc](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
dorsale veneuze boog, dorsale venous arc
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a thin-walled tube that carries lymph, a clear fluid containing immune cells and waste products
![lymfevaten, lymfekanaal](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
lymfevaten, lymfekanaal
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a network of small blood vessels that reside in the outermost layer of the eye
![episclerale venen](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
episclerale venen
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a small blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the tissues of the fingers and toes
![digitale arterie, bloedvat van de vinger](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
digitale arterie, bloedvat van de vinger
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a large artery that stretches and recoils to accommodate blood flow from the heart, helping to maintain blood pressure
![elastische arterie, elastische bloedvat](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
elastische arterie, elastische bloedvat
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a type of artery that has thick walls composed of smooth muscle, allowing it to regulate blood flow to specific organs or tissues
![spierarterie, arterie van spierweefsel](https://api.langeek.co/v1/assets/flags/nl.png)
spierarterie, arterie van spierweefsel
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