C1 Woordenlijst - Dialoog en discours
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden over dialoog en discours, zoals "generalize", "prejudice", "inclined", enz., voorbereid voor C1-leerlingen.
to form an opinion or reach a conclusion about something by taking a few instances or facts into account

generalizeren, veralgemenen

to disagree with or not fit well with a specific rule, concept, or standard

tegen iets ingaan, in strijd zijn met

to mention someone or something of prominence as a support or reason for an argument or action

inroepen, vermelden

to unfairly influence someone's opinion or judgment about someone or something

vooroordelen, beïnvloeden

to think again about an opinion or decision, particularly to see if it needs changing or not

heroverwegen, herzien

to briefly state the most important parts or facts of something

samenfatten, samenvatten

to talk excessively or continuously, often in a way that is annoying to others

praten, kletsen

based on or relating to a specific set of political or economic views or policies

ideologisch, betrekking hebbend op ideologie

having no importance or connection with something

irrelevant, onbelangrijk

(of a rule, opinion, etc.) fixed and not easily changed

onbuigzaam, rigide

(of a person or ideology) not extreme or radical and considered reasonable by a majority of people

gematigd, zachtzinnig

used to express that one is considering a particular fact before sharing one's opinion or making a judgment

gegeven dat, aangezien

used to highlight the sincerity or truthfulness of a statement

Geen grap, Echt waar

used to emphasize the fact that one is telling the truth

eerlijk gezegd, oprecht gezegd

used to suggest that the opposite of what has been stated may be closer to the truth
behavior or feelings that are aggressive or unfriendly

vijandigheid, hatelijkheid

the opinions, activities, or methods that are considered normal because they are accepted by a majority of people

de mainstream, de hoofdstroming

the state of being affected by facts and statistics instead of personal opinions and feelings


the state of being affected by personal opinions and feelings instead of facts and statistics


a theory or statement that acts as the foundation of an argument

premisse, veronderstelling

the act of rational and logical thinking about something

redeneren, logica

to start doubting a decision and begin to wonder whether it is the right or best thing to do