Tempo - Tempo
Descubra como expressões idiomáticas em inglês como "ponto de viragem" e "executar seu curso" se relacionam com o tempo em inglês.
a day that will always be remembered by an exceptionally good thing that has happened on it
dia memorável
the specific moment when an event or action is scheduled to begin or take place
momento em que algo começa
the time in which a critical event or action happens
momento crucial
a point at which a drastic change occurs in a situation, especially one that makes it improve
evento de mudança de vida
used for referring to the time after something has happened or been done
após a ocorrência de algo
to happen very closely after something else has happened
during the time of year that a type of food, vegetable, or fruit is not naturally grown or easily found
frutas ou vegetais que não estão disponíveis em uma estação
used when something happens almost at the same time as another
to have no idea how much time has passed or what has happened
esquecendo do tempo
to not be busy with anything
quando alguém que não está ocupado
to go through a process in a way that is natural, normal, or expected
quando algo passa pelo seu processo natural
to be too soon to determine what something will result in, particularly because it is still in its early stages of development
estágios iniciais do desenvolvimento de algo