
Interações - Piadas e pegadinhas

Explore expressões idiomáticas em inglês sobre piadas e pegadinhas com exemplos como "fazer um truque" e "fazer-se de bobo".







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English idioms related to Interactions
to give sb bunny ears

to make one's fingers V-shaped and put them behind a person's head as a way of joking, particularly when taking a photograph

dar chifres a alguém usando os dedos

dar chifres a alguém usando os dedos

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to give sb a melvin

to grab and pull a person's underwear or pants to make it get stuck between their buttocks, often as a prank

agarrar as calças de alguém e puxá-las para cima (de brincadeira)

agarrar as calças de alguém e puxá-las para cima (de brincadeira)

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with one's tongue in one's cheek

used to suggest that something was meant as a joke and is not to be taken seriously

apenas como uma piada

apenas como uma piada

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to play the fool

to behave in a silly way, particularly to amuse or entertain others

comportando-se tolamente

comportando-se tolamente

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to yank one's chain

to joke with someone in a friendly manner by trying to make them believe something that is not true

comportando-se tolamente

comportando-se tolamente

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to pull one's leg

to joke with someone in a friendly manner by trying to make them believe something that is not true

brincando com alguém

brincando com alguém

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let there be light

said humorously when a light is switched on, referring a Bible story about how God lighted the earth for the first time

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