
Tempo - A hora certa

Explore expressões idiomáticas em inglês sobre o momento certo com exemplos como "on the dot" e "under the wire".







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English idioms related to Time
in one's (own) sweet time

as the pace one prefers, even though others expect one to act faster

no ritmo preferido

no ritmo preferido

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the time is ripe

used to refer to a suitable time in which a particular activity can be done

agora é a hora certa

agora é a hora certa

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on cue

exactly on the desirable or expected time

na hora certa

na hora certa

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at one's convenience

at a place or time that one is comfortable with

quando ou onde alguém desejar

quando ou onde alguém desejar

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on the dot

exactly at a time that is expected or decided upon

na hora exata

na hora exata

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under the wire

completing or achieving something just before a deadline

no último momento

no último momento

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