Vocabulário Essencial para o TOEFL - Guerra e Paz
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre guerra e paz, como "action", "clash", "navy" etc., necessárias para o exame TOEFL.
a war that is between people who are in the same country
guerra civil, guerra interna
a military clash between two nations or countries, usually one that lasts long
conflito, confronto
a serious argument between two sides caused by their different views and beliefs
conflito, colisão
to leave the army, navy, etc. without permission or without fulfilling one's obligations
desertar, abandonar
a person who is not a member of or not on active duty in armed forces or the police
civil, cidadão
the branch of the armed forces that operates at sea using warships, destroyers, etc.
marinha, marinha de guerra
the branch of the armed forces that operates in the air using fighter aircraft
força aérea, aviación
to recruit or engage an individual for service in the military
alistar, recrutar
involvement in war, particularly using certain methods or weapons
guerra, conflito
to position soldiers or equipment for military action
desplegar, posicionar
to come to power and control in a place using military force
ocupar, tomar controle de
to enter a territory using armed forces in order to occupy or take control of it
invadir, ocupar
to launch a planned and forceful attack against an enemy or target
atacar, golpear
an order or law that prohibits people from going outside after a specific time, particularly at night
toque de recolher
the process of keeping a community safe and stopping the violence
manutenção da paz, missão de paz
the action or process of saving someone or something
o resgate, a salvação
an act of moving away from a place of conflict duo to danger or defeat
retirada, recuo
to give up resistance or stop fighting against an enemy or opponent
render-se, submeter-se
someone who is killed or wounded during a war or an accident
vítima, ferido
a very high-ranking officer in the army, the US air force or the marines
a former member of the armed forces who has fought in a war
veterano, ex-combatente
someone who is employed by a government to obtain secret information on another person, country, company, etc.
espião, informante
weapons in general, especially those used by the military
armas, equipamento militar
a ship that is made for war and has weapons
navio de guerra, embarcação militar
an explosive weapon capable of hitting a target over long distances, which can be controlled remotely
míssil, projétil
a piece of military equipment that is put on or just under the ground or in the sea, which explodes when it is touched
mina, dispositivo explosivo
a country that aids another country, particularly if a war breaks out
aliado, parceiro
a group of people, organizations, or political parties working together toward their common interests
aliança, coalizão
to gain control of a place or people using armed forces
conquistar, dominar