
Influență și Implicare - Final

Explorați idiomuri englezești care se referă la terminații, inclusiv „ofate pe viță de vie” și „cântec de lebădă”.




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English idioms related to Influence & Involvement
swan song

the last important thing that a person does before their retirement or death

ultimul act important al persoanei înainte de moartea acesteia

ultimul act important al persoanei înainte de moartea acesteia

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to be all up

(of any finite resource) to be completely or nearly finished

aproape terminat

aproape terminat

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to bring sth to naught

to cause something to fail in achieving any success or fulfilling any expectation

a face ceva care cauzează eșecul a ceva

a face ceva care cauzează eșecul a ceva

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to come to naught

to completely fail to achieve any success or fulfill one's expectation

nereusind sa obtina succesul

nereusind sa obtina succesul

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to call it a day

to stop working or participating in an activity, usually at the end of the day or when one feels that they have done enough

când cineva încetează să lucreze

când cineva încetează să lucreze

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to draw a line under sth

to decide to put an end to something by dealing with it

rezolvând în sfârșit o problemă

rezolvând în sfârșit o problemă

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sb has left the building

used to say that a person has definitely left an activity or place and will not change their mind about it

când cineva lasă o activitate neterminată

când cineva lasă o activitate neterminată

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to lay sth to rest

to prove to someone that what they believe in or think about is not true

rezolvarea unei probleme sau a unei chestiuni

rezolvarea unei probleme sau a unei chestiuni

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to pull the plug

to prevent the occurrence or continuation of an activity

împiedicând apariția a ceva

împiedicând apariția a ceva

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to put paid to sth

to make something end, particularly by ruining what was planned

distrugând ceva ce era plănuit

distrugând ceva ce era plănuit

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to put the brakes on sth

to prevent something from happening or making more progress

împiedicând progresul a ceva

împiedicând progresul a ceva

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to give sth a rest

to put a sudden stop to something one was doing for some time

oprirea bruscă a unei activități

oprirea bruscă a unei activități

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to kiss sth goodbye

to accept the fact that one has lost something and might never be able to get it back

acceptând pierderea a ceva

acceptând pierderea a ceva

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to give up sth as a bad job

to decide that it is impossible to help something succeed because there seems to be no hope

crezând că este imposibil să faci sau să termini ceva

crezând că este imposibil să faci sau să termini ceva

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to kiss one's ass goodbye

to prepare oneself for death, dismissal, etc.

pregătindu-se pentru moartea inevitabilă

pregătindu-se pentru moartea inevitabilă

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to close the book on sth

to put an end to something, particularly something bad, that has been going on for some time

a thing of the past

something that does not exist or happen anymore due to being replaced by something more modern or desirable

ceva care a devenit depășit

ceva care a devenit depășit

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to wipe sb/sth off the map

to remove or destroy someone or something completely

distrugând complet pe cineva sau ceva

distrugând complet pe cineva sau ceva

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to go out the (of) window

(of a quality, idea, or principle) to not longer exist or be forgotten

devenind complet uitate

devenind complet uitate

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to wither on the vine

(of a plan or course of action) to fail to succeed or produce the expected results

ceva care eșuează complet

ceva care eșuează complet

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