Beskriva Kvaliteter - Liknande eller olik
Dyk in i engelska idiom som relaterar till att vara liknande eller olika, som "be two of a kind" och "a far cry from".
a person or thing that closely resembles or duplicates another

en kopia, en dubbelgångare

a situation that is completely different from what one was previously dealing with
to make a clear distinction between two things, particularly two ideas, that are closely related
a significant difference between two things, often in a disappointing or unfavorable way
in a position or situation that is entirely different from what one is used to
used to say that both options or situations are equal and that none is better or worse than the other
someone or something that looks exactly like another person or thing

exakt kopia, tvillingbild

used to indicate that all types of a certain thing are almost the same
a person or thing that has the exact same function as that of another person or thing, but in a different place or situation
used to emphasize a significant contrast or distinction between people, things, or situations
a person who shares similar attitudes, beliefs, or interests with another person, and with whom one feels a deep connection or understanding

själasörjare, andra själar