Grundläggande Substantiv - Fiskar
Här lär du dig engelska substantiv som är relaterade till fiskar, såsom "lax," "haj," och "ål."
a silver-colored fish often found in both freshwater and saltwater environments


a long and thin freshwater or marine fish that is like a snake, sometimes eaten as food

ål, ålar

a small oily fish of the herring family with silvery color that is used as food


a large migratory marine fish that has a very long pointed snout and is both a food and a game fish

svärdfisk, svärdfisken

any of the order of North American freshwater fish that are distinguished by having barbels and no scales

ål, katfisk

any freshwater food fish of the salmon family that are found in cold waters of Eurasia and North America


a very large marine fish that has a long body and a long bill inhabiting warm waters, which is caught for sport

marlin, marlinfisk

a freshwater fish species known for its ability to adapt to various habitats, characterized by its large scales and barbels


a small carnivorous freshwater fish of the South American origin that has sharp teeth and forms schools

piranha, piranor

a type of shark with a unique head shape that is wide and flattened, resembling the shape of a hammer

hammarskrok, hammarslåss

an intelligent sea mammal that looks like a whale and has a long snout and teeth


a sea creature that has a bell-shaped body, which is gelatinous and transparent, long thin tentacles and a poisonous sting


a sea creature with eight, long arms and a soft round body with no internal shell

bläckfisk, åttabenig

an echinoderm that has five arms arranged in the form of a star and feeds on mollusks

sjöstjärna, sjömärka

the microscopic organisms floating in the sea or fresh water on which larger animals feed


a small marine fish with an upright posture, a horse-like head and a curled tail


a marine creature that can change color and has a long soft body with ten tentacles helping it swim very fast

bläckfisk, kalamari

a marine invertebrate with a body full of holes through which water can circulate and nutrients can be absorbed

svamp, havssvamp

a marine organism that lives in warm waters and forms clusters of polyps, which secrete calcium carbonate to build a hard skeleton


a type of sea creature with a shell, such as clams, oysters, mussels, shrimp, lobster, etc.

skaldjur, snäckor

a large, black-and-white marine mammal known for its social behavior, intelligence, and adaptability, found in oceans worldwide and known as an apex predator

späckhuggare, ojönsval

an invertebrate with a wormlike body that is considered a marine creature and lives on seabed, with tentacles around the mouth

sjögurka, sjöslang

a small shark with a long body that lives at the bottom of the sea

hundfisk, liten haj

a group of marine fish that have the ability to glide above the water's surface by using their enlarged pectoral fins as wings

flygande fisk, glidande fisk

a migratory marine fish with greenish blue bars on its body which is a scombroid and is a commercially important game fish


a large food fish that lives in cold marine waters with a small barbel and three fins on the back


a small bony marine fish with a large mouth and eyes, which has spots on its skin that shine in the dark

lanternfisk, lanternin

a tropical marine fish that is blue in color and predatory, which is caught for food


an aggressive type of shark that lives in warm and shallow waters near coastlines

tjurar haj, aggressiv haj

an amphibious fish of the goby family that is able to move around on mud or wet sand

mudskipper, gobi

a deep-bodied and large-eyed marine fish that can open its mouth very wide

dory, kirurgfisk

any tropical marine fish with no scale that fills with air in the face of threat and is highly poisonous

puffertorsk, fugu

a cold water coastal fish that is a salmonid and is caught for food or sport, which has green, white, pink, etc. color bands on its body

regnbågslax, regnbågsforell

any marine cartilaginous fish with a flat body and eyes on the upper surface, which swims using large pectoral fins


a small shoaling fish that is used as food or as bait and resembles herrings

anchovis, ansjovis

any North American perciform fish that inhabit fresh waters and have lean bodies

abborre, mört

a freshwater bony fish with a long body that is able to breathe out of water

lungfisk, pulsfisk

a South American freshwater knifefish that is able to create an electric charge in order to kill its prey or find its way

elektrisk ål, elektrisk fisk

any carnivorous freshwater game fish with a long snout and body that inhabits brackish or fresh waters of the Northern Hemisphere

gädda, pike

any silvery fish of the ray-finned family that forms shoals and is commercially important as food

mullet, mulid

a small Eurasian game fish of the cyprinoid family that lives in large shoals

löja, småfisk

any bottom-dwelling marine fish with a flat body, a color similar to the seabed and both eyes on the upper side of the body

plattfisk, bottenlevande fisk

a small freshwater fish of tropical waters that is a live-bearer and is often kept in aquariums


a small freshwater fish, black and silver in color, with long fins that originates in South America

ängelfisk, sötvattensängelfisk

a very large animal that lives in the sea, with horizontal tail fin and a blowhole on top of its head for breathing
