
Hareket Fiilleri - Gezinme için Fiiller

Burada "başıboş", "baştan çıkma" ve "yeniden rota belirleme" gibi navigasyonla ilgili bazı İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.


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Öğrenmeye başla
Categorized English Verbs of Movement
to map

to create or make a map to visually depict geographical features

haritasını yapmak

haritasını yapmak

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to chart

to create a visual representation that illustrates the features and details of a specific region

çizelge ile göstermek

çizelge ile göstermek

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to plot

to mark or indicate a route, position, or specific points on a map

plân üzerinde işaretlemek

plân üzerinde işaretlemek

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to navigate

to choose the direction of and guide a vehicle, ship, etc., especially by using a map

rota beilrleyerek doğru yolda ilerlemek

rota beilrleyerek doğru yolda ilerlemek

to orient

to determine or adjust the direction of an object or oneself in relation to specific directions or reference points



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to reroute

to change the originally planned path or direction of something, especially in transportation

yolu veya yönü değiştirmek

yolu veya yönü değiştirmek

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to disorient

to cause someone to lose their sense of direction, leading to confusion or a feeling of being lost



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to divert

to change direction or take a different course

başka yöne sapmak

başka yöne sapmak

to stray

to wander off or deviate from the intended or established path



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to deviate

to cause something to depart from an established course

yoldan çıkarmak

yoldan çıkarmak

to diverge

to move apart and continue in another direction

birbirinden uzaklaşmak

birbirinden uzaklaşmak

to deflect

to change direction or turn aside, typically as a result of encountering an obstacle or external force



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to head off

to block someone or something's path in order to redirect them or prevent them from proceeding in a particular direction

önüne geçmek

önüne geçmek

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to veer

to abruptly turn to a different direction

yön değiştirmek

yön değiştirmek

to swerve

to change direction suddenly, often to avoid something or someone in the way

birdenbire başka bir tarafa yönelmek

birdenbire başka bir tarafa yönelmek

to sheer

to move with a sudden and rapid change in direction, turning away from the current path or trajectory



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