Rörelseverb - Verb för navigering
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska verb som hänvisar till navigering som "stray", "head off" och "reroute".
to create a visual representation that illustrates the features and details of a specific region

kartlägga, rita

to choose the direction of and guide a vehicle, ship, etc., especially by using a map

navigera, styra

to determine or adjust the direction of an object or oneself in relation to specific directions or reference points

orientera, justera

to change the originally planned path or direction of something, especially in transportation

omdirigera, ändra riktning

to cause someone to lose their sense of direction, leading to confusion or a feeling of being lost

desorientera, förvirra

to change direction or turn aside, typically as a result of encountering an obstacle or external force

avleda, vrida

to block someone or something's path in order to redirect them or prevent them from proceeding in a particular direction

avsnöra, stoppa

to change direction suddenly, often to avoid something or someone in the way

svänga, undvika