Робота і Гроші - Заробіток грошей
Досліджуйте англійські ідіоми, які стосуються заробітку грошей, наприклад «сливова робота» та «принеси додому бекон».
to earn enough money to be able to pay for the necessities of life
to manage to earn enough money to buy essential things in one's life
to be capable of providing for one's most essential needs
to make enough money to afford the necessities of life
to earn a large amount of money, often in a short period of time and with little effort, usually through a successful business venture, investment, etc,
to gain significant wealth, often by doing something that is considered useless or foolish by many
to gain money using methods that are illegal or dishonest
a commercial activity that enables its participants to become rich without making much effort
a highly desirable job or position, often characterized by excellent pay, benefits, working conditions, and opportunities for advancement
престижна робота, бажана посада
a type of ability where one can make a profit from anything that one does
дотик Мідаса, мідасне дотик
to participate in buying and selling stocks and other financial instruments in the hopes of making a profit
used to say that an amount of money is gained as profit in a transaction
a good pension or a large salary given to certain employees in order to encourage a longer employment term
золоті кайданки, золоті наручники
a financial compensation that is offered to a top executive in the event that their employment is terminated
золотий парашют
a payment or package given to a worker, usually a high-ranking manager, when they leave a company
золотий handshake, грошова компенсація
used of a person who is unemployed but receives regular payment or benefits from the government