Arbeit und Geld - Geld verdienen
Entdecken Sie englische Redewendungen zum Thema Geldverdienen anhand von Beispielen wie „Plum Job“ und „Bring Home the Bacon“.
to earn a large amount of money, often in a short period of time and with little effort, usually through a successful business venture, investment, etc,
to gain significant wealth, often by doing something that is considered useless or foolish by many
a commercial activity that enables its participants to become rich without making much effort
a highly desirable job or position, often characterized by excellent pay, benefits, working conditions, and opportunities for advancement

ein Traumjob, eine begehrte Stelle

a type of ability where one can make a profit from anything that one does

Midas-Hand, Midas-Talent

to participate in buying and selling stocks and other financial instruments in the hopes of making a profit
a good pension or a large salary given to certain employees in order to encourage a longer employment term

goldene Handschellen, goldene Fesseln

a financial compensation that is offered to a top executive in the event that their employment is terminated

goldener Fallschirm

a payment or package given to a worker, usually a high-ranking manager, when they leave a company

goldener Handschlag, Abfindungspaket