Думка та Аргумент - Аргументація та переконання
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова, пов’язані з аргументацією та переконанням, наприклад «pitch», «keystone» і «invoke».
to draw a general conclusion based on specific cases that can be irrelevant to other situations

узагальнювати, робити узагальнення

used to express that one is considering a particular fact before sharing one's opinion or making a judgment

зважаючи на те, що

the act of making petty distinctions or arguing about insignificant details and differences

перебірливість, дріб'язковість

the most advantageous position in an argument or discussion that grants one moral or ethical superiority

вища позиція, моральна перевага

used to explain the main reason or starting point of a situation

to prove that something is incorrect or flawed, making it not acceptable or reliable

недійсно, опредитувати

the act of making or proving a belief, idea, argument, etc. wrong

недійсність, анулювання

to mention someone or something of prominence as a support or reason for an argument or action

викликати, посилатися

the most significant part of an argument, belief, or plan on which everything else depends

краєугольний камінь, ключовий елемент

speeches or arguments used to persuade someone to do something or to accept an idea

аргумент, презентація

to use one's best resource and do something clever and unexpected that gives one an advantage over others
the most important thing that is said or done which highlights the purpose of something

критичний момент, основний пункт

a strong verbal or written statement of opinion, especially one that refutes or attacks a specific opinion

п poleміка, суперечка

the art of arguing for or against someone or something, such as a particular idea or opinion

п polemiks, суперечка

of or relating to strong arguments meant to criticize or defend a particular opinion, person, idea, etc.

полевий, суперечливий

to propose or assume something as true or factual, serving as the foundation for further reasoning or argumentation

постулювати, припускати

a theory or statement that acts as the foundation of an argument

презумпція, передумова

to forcefully make a point in an argument or discussion to ensure that there are no misunderstandings
something that one perceives to be true, even though it remains to be proved, especially at the beginning of an argument


the act or process of testing the truth of something through evidence or argument
