
Sách Four Corners 1 - Đơn vị 5 Bài A

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Bài 5 Bài A trong giáo trình Four Corners 1, chẳng hạn như "thói quen", "luồng", "thường xuyên", v.v.


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Four Corners 1

not requiring payment

miễn phí

miễn phí

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the quantity that is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc. using a device like clock



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(psychology) any regularly repeated pattern of behavior that is shown almost automatically in response to a specific situation

áo bà phước

áo bà phước

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connected to other computer networks through the Internet

trực tuyến

trực tuyến

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to use

to do something with an object, method, etc. to achieve a specific result

sử dụng cái gì đó

sử dụng cái gì đó

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social media

websites and applications enabling users to share content and build communities on their smartphones, computers, etc.

Truyền thông xã hội

Truyền thông xã hội

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to check

to discover information about something or someone by looking, asking, or investigating

để thấy

để thấy

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a system that is used to send and receive messages or documents via a network



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to download

to add data to a computer from the Internet or another computer

tải về một cái gì đó

tải về một cái gì đó

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to play

to enjoy yourself and do things for fun, like children

chơi với ai đó hoặc cái gì đó

chơi với ai đó hoặc cái gì đó

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a competitive activity or sport in which players or teams compete against each other according to specific rules

cuộc cạnh kỷ

cuộc cạnh kỷ

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to stream

to play audio or video material from the Internet without needing to download the whole file on one's device

xem trực tuyến

xem trực tuyến

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a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to

âm nhạc

âm nhạc

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to watch

to look at a thing or person and pay attention to it for some time

đang quan sát ai đó hoặc cái gì đó

đang quan sát ai đó hoặc cái gì đó

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a recording of sounds and images that are moving



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to shop

to look for and buy different things from stores

đi mua sắm

đi mua sắm

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connected to other computer networks through the Internet

trực tuyến

trực tuyến

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[Tính từ]
to post

to publish an image, video, text, or other form of content on to the Internet, particularly on social media

công bố tên

công bố tên

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at all times, without any exceptions

luôn luôn

luôn luôn

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in most situations or under normal circumstances

thường xuyên

thường xuyên

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on many occasions



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on some occasions but not always

Thỉnh thoảng

Thỉnh thoảng

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hardly ever

in a manner that almost does not occur or happen

Hầu như không bao giờ

Hầu như không bao giờ

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not at any point in time

không bao giờ

không bao giờ

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a special kind of picture that is made using a camera in order to make memories, create art, etc.

hình ảnh

hình ảnh

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